We know applying for the Fringe Festival can seem complicated. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions and a Glossary of common terms that may help.
Have a question that is not answered here? Check out these documents for more context and information:
Glossary of common Fringe Terms
Main Admin Contact
The individual who applies to the festival and ultimately accepts a slot. They are considered the producer and will be the person that the festival communicates with directly (also called Participant).
Application Fee
The fee a participant pays to apply to the festival in any category.
Participation Fee
If drawn in the Main Venue Lottery, Satellite Venue Lottery, or accepted into the Unconventional Venue Category, the fee the participant pays to accept the slot in the festival.
Main Venue Lottery
The lottery draw in which slots at main performance venues are determined.
Unconventional Venue Category
The Unconventional Venue Category is an expansion of the formerly named Site Specific Category, to acknowledge the alternative forms of performance art that seek the Fringe platform to reach audiences. This category is for companies who wish to produce a show that cannot be presented in a conventional theatre venue, Applicants apply with a venue, the Festival does not enter any direct agreement with the venue.
Slots in this category are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, separate from the Main Venue Category lottery. Participant fees are scaled according to the max potential ticket capacity the production will offer over the 12 days of the festival.
Satellite Venue Lottery
There will be a limited number of theatre venues joining the Toronto Fringe as a satellite venue. This is separate from the Main Venue Lottery. More details on this category and application process coming soon.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to sign up to Eventotron to apply to Fringe?
Yes, Eventotron is the festival management platform that Toronto Fringe uses to manage applications, information collected from participants, and resources we share with participants in the festival.
I’ve used Eventotron before to apply to/participate in a Fringe Festival, but I cannot remember my password.
From the sign in page, click on “forgotten or missing password” to receive a new password link to your email. If you continue to have trouble, contact help@eventotron.com.
Can my secondary contact be a contact for a different application?
Yes, the secondary contact is not limited to only being your secondary contact. Please note, this is someone who should be reachable and able to give information about the application/event should the Festival be unable to reach the Main Admin Contact with critical information for any reason.
Can I apply to more than one lottery?
You can only apply to ONE category in the Main Lottery. However, if you aren't selected in the Main Lottery draw, you may submit an application to the Satellite Venue Lottery or the Unconventional Venue Category.
Can I begin filling out my application and not submit it right away?
Yes, your application will be saved. To ensure the autosave function is working, always be sure to click out of the answer field (anywhere else on the page that is not a button) and you should see the border of the answer box turn grey again, and a green SAVED icon appear in the top right corner. To come back to an application that you have started, go back to where you clicked Apply to Toronto Fringe and select “My event is already in Eventotron” to select your show title from the drop down.
We always recommend keeping a backup copy of your application answers in a separate document (Word doc or similar format) in case you need to refer to them at any later point.
I don’t know what my show will be quite yet, do I need to commit to a title now?
You can change your show title if you are drawn in the lottery and offered a slot. You cannot at any point change the main admin contact, the secondary contact, or the company name. Please note temporary titles such as “TBC”, “Untitled”, “NA” will not be accepted, so do put in a title for now.
I don’t have a company, or I don’t know what my company’s name will be.
You must have a company name to apply to the festival, and this name cannot change at any time thereafter. If you do not have a company already, you will need to create a name for your collective when you apply.
I selected CREDIT CARD to pay for the application fee, and selected my card type, but I cannot enter my credit card information anywhere and cannot submit my application.
If the credit card payment fields and submit button do not appear after you’ve selected a fee amount, it means there is a required question on the application that has not been answered. Be sure to answer all questions that appear in RED. This includes checking off that you have read and agree to the terms of the applicant agreement.
I selected OTHER to pay for the application fee, but I cannot submit my application.
If the submit button does not appear after you’ve selected “pay by cheque”, it means there is a required question on the application that has not been answered. Be sure to answer all questions that appear in RED. This includes checking off that you have read and agree to the terms of the applicant agreement.
I need assistance with submitting my application on Eventotron. Who do I contact?
Please contact our Programming Manager Suzanne Wilkie, who will be happy to assist you if you require an alternative format of the application, or if you have questions still after reviewing the 2025 Application Guide. Her email is suzanne@fringetoronto.com, or by phone at 416-966-1062 ext 228.
What is a Two Phase lottery draw?
Toronto Fringe commits to reserving at least 50% of available slots in each category for applicants who are Indigenous, Black or People of Colour (IBPOC). The two-phase lottery draw is a measure to deliberately strengthen equity at the Festival.
When we hold the Main Venue Lottery, each category's draw will have two phases:
PHASE ONE: Applicants who identify as Indigenous, Black, or a Person of Colour will be entered into the draw exclusively for the first 50% of all available slots in the category.
PHASE TWO: Once at least 50% of total slots are filled by IBPOC applicants, or if no more IBPOC applicants remain to draw from (whichever occurs first), the remaining slots will be drawn from all applicants in the category.
The Main Admin Contact is considered the individual applying who must identify as IBPOC for the application to be included in the first drawing phase. We strongly encourage that applicants who select this also commit to at least half or more of their creative and performance team identifying as IBPOC as well.
Main venue slots will be pre-allocated to one of three venue size tiers. This is to ensure our festival is the right size for the shows that are drawn, and each show will be placed in a venue that is the correct size it requires. The tiers are broken down into Small, Medium, and Large venues – you can find more details about the tiers here.
How do I apply WITH MY OWN VENUE?
You can do that through the Unconventional Venue Category. We encourage interested applicants to submit a proposal to the Pre-Approval submission form to learn if the venue and production are suitable.
How will COVID affect the 2025 Festival?
If you accept a slot in the Festival, you are responsible for abiding by all of Toronto Fringe’s policies, including any health and safety policies in place to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. As of November 1, 2022, the Toronto Fringe does not require any party to provide proof of vaccination for entry or participation. Additional public safety measures such as masking indoors and pre-entry health screening may be required at the Festival’s discretion. If any venues which the Festival occupies has additional COVID-19 policies that exceed the Toronto Fringe’s, they will be abided by.
If you have any other questions about the Toronto Fringe Festival, or if you require assistance at any point in the application process, please contact Suzanne Wilkie, Programming Manager at suzanne@fringetoronto.com or 416 966 1062 ext 228.